Newsletters & Updates

Read the latest from Larry and Deborah Mininger. Below you will find a excerpts of newsletters, articles and updates on the Miningers and Lamp Lighters International. Simply click a title to read more.

Mininger Mission Moments June 2021

Rejoice With Us             Last year in January and February (before Covid hit), Deb and I were in Tallinn, Estonia joined by our overseer Harold Presley. We were planting a new Russian church. I wrote about it in an earlier newsletter. The Bible says, “Rejoice with...

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Special LLIM Memorial Edition for Rev. James Phelps

Special LLIM Memorial Edition For Rev. Jim Phelps             James Ray Phelps Jr. at 75 passed away on Feb. 4th, 2021. He was born Jan. 22nd, 1946 in Concord, NC. He is survived by his wife, Shirley Ann Phelps, his son Jason and Vena Phelps, daughter Jennifer Phelps,...

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Do you desire to learn the Bible truth and purpose of Pentecost and how God wants to equip you for the harvest before the second return of Christ? In Part I you can follow the author’s personal story of how God miraculously led him from rejection to reception of...

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Miningers Mission Moments Nov 2019

We are informed that due to the sensitive content that we’re reporting on, country, city and personal names shall be excluded. We have gained permission to use the story that you need to hear. God is bringing in the harvest.                    Refugees Coming to...

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The Mininger Mission Visit our Website: "Considering all the nations we serve as Missionaries, it is time to clarify what is happening in Finland!" New leaders are being gradually raised up for ministry. The challenges are huge and the trials are intense....

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The Unheard Christmas Story

This Story Could Be Read At Your Family Christmas! The Christmas Season always musters up a pleasant range of wonderful memories of families pulling together and preparing for a great celebration. Finding the right tree, decorating it and finally at the right time...

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