Statement of Purpose
The Center is a base of operations where married and single ministers can learn on a real mission field in Tallinn, Estonia. Our call and purpose is to release rivers of anointing while providing individuals with practical experience as indicated by our Lord’s example. Powerful new ministries will emerge when elders love, affirm and impart accurately what the Spirit gives for each person called of God. Mentoring happens when experience engages willingness and finds opportunity to produce hope!
The call of God to ministry is essential for people to become part of the five-fold church leadership. A Bible School education is an IMMEASURABLE asset in the execution of that call. Yet the traditional learning system frequently lacks resources to impliment impartation where needed most. This has unintentionally created a weak link in development of character, spiritual perception and anointing of our Lord’s end time harvestors. Thus, we have the need for a center that focuses precisely on what others may leave out!
Whenever intellectual preparation supercedes the shaping of the spirit and character development, it will result in greater dependence on the flesh than the Spirit of God. When Jesus called the twelve disciples, He immediately spoke to them by the Spirit. He revealed Himself, identified their purpose, fortold needed specifics, challenged and affirmed them. The Mentoring Center aims at following this simple example from Jesus. Today’s leaders are in need of nothing less!
With a new dependence on the Spirit of God, adequate preparation for ministry need not take so long. Personal mentoring is the Lord’s model of releasing the inner person into increased surrender. Thus, by mentoring no more than a dozen leaders at a time, we can multiply the effectiveness of His end time harvesters!
- Make at least one discovery of a principle Jesus used in ministry and implement it.
- Become so fluent in moving in the gifts of the Spirit that it will never be forfeited.
- Assist every leader in constructing a prayer covering before leaving the Center.
- Provide occasion to interact in another culture and learn to work with translators.
- Be confronted with the need and hope for a sovereign act of God to help them get started when they go to a foreign land.
- Have a grasp on how to find what method of evangelism works in a given city.
- Provide ample experience in leading people to Jesus, the Baptism of the Spirit and praying for the sick.
- Uncover their gift mix and learn to make impartation to others on their level of faith.
- Create opportunities to work alongside others who are already flowing in the areas the minister is prompted to learn.
- Work with national pastors when they seek help and make friends for life.
- Discover personal strengths and weaknesses that will affect their ministry.
- Develope a written ministry vision unrestrained by organizational biases.
- Be released with a blessing as an end time harvesting instrument having sharp teeth (Isa. 41:15)

Each minister that completes at least one month at the Mentoring Center will receive a “Diploma of Ministry” from Advantage College of Sacramento, California!

The golden lamp stand is the church, held within His hand. His purpose is that it shines bright, and burn in every land
Some candles let their flame go out, and others He removed. Unfit, unfit the Master cried, My ways you did not prove
Lamps have burned through ages past, their wick in need of trim. Clear preaching of the word with love, they will burn bright again
His mercies great, His purpose sure, The Lord revealed His plan. Before returning I will send out, new lamp lighters through the land

The golden lamp stand is the church, held within His hand. His purpose is that it shines bright, and burn in every land
Some candles let their flame go out, and others He removed. Unfit, unfit the Master cried, My ways you did not prove
Lamps have burned through ages past, their wick in need of trim. Clear preaching of the word with love, they will burn bright again
His mercies great, His purpose sure, The Lord revealed His plan. Before returning I will send out, new lamp lighters through the land
Are you Ready to Meet the Lord?
Have you perhaps gone through the external symbolic ceremony of water baptism, but have not had a total heart change? Please get your heart changed now! Confess your sins and forsake them by faith. Surrender your heart, will and soul to identify with Jesus daily. He will give you the mercies and grace necessary to accomplish it in a moment. If you are ready, it will happen while the words of this prayer are yet in your mouth. A prayer for those who are ready:
“Jesus, forgive me for my sins. I do believe in you Lord! I receive your work and words just as I receive you. By the faith you are depositing in me at this moment, I will identify with you. Please multiply your grace to me so that all of You will be of me. Thank you for a genuine salvation today that removes the filth of my flesh and gives me a good clean conscience toward God. Now I can worship you in spirit and in truth. Amen!
Please connect with us on social media and tell us about your decision personally! God Bless!