Mission Moments – Personal Update on Ukraine

About one hour ago (at this writing), we had a video chat with Pastor Valentina in Xmelnitski, UA. She is the founding pastor where Deb and I helped her plant the Dawn of Life Church in 1991. They received our second LLIM gift of humanitarian relief within a couple...


Mininger’s Mission Moments February 22   Finland In Sight While the pandemic was serious and took many lives, the good news is that it’s winding down. The damage on the mission front has earmarks of a battlefield. Some churches have closed, others have withdrawn...
The Unheard Christmas Story

The Unheard Christmas Story

This Story Could Be Read At Your Family Christmas! The Christmas Season always musters up a pleasant range of wonderful memories of families pulling together and preparing for a great celebration. Finding the right tree, decorating it and finally at the right time...