Some Folks Are Requesting Auto-withdrawals

Dear friends, times are changing for all of us. Some partners are choosing to skip writing<-
out checks, filling out envelops, and paying postage every month. It is now easier than ever to
send your gift via automatic withdrawal. Only five easy to follow clicks and it happens for you
without the need to remember, the effort, or the cost. Finally, we thought it might be helpful if
we sent you a link and directions that save your time and money. Click on this link. It takes you

1. Type in the amount you want to give.
2. Click on the “DONATE WITH PAYPAL” button.
3. Then check the box for “MAKE THIS A MONTHLY DONATION”.
4. Below that, enter in your card info and press “process gift”.

Deborah and I understand that you work hard for your money and that your time is
valuable. In this high-tech age of our lives, we must all work smarter not harder. Saving 13-
15.00 dollars a year helps all of us. Thank you for every penny you give to keep us on the
mission field. Blessings from Larry and Deborah Mininger


Our **2024/25 vision** is 3 new mother churches in 3 new countries and to start an extension of Advantage University for the North countries and Europe. It will facilitate raising up leadership for the new works.

**Now you can own our latest book, “Restore Amazing Back to Grace.” Go directly to Amazon: