Special LLIM Memorial Edition for Rev. James Phelps
Feb 25, 2021
Special LLIM Memorial Edition For Rev. Jim Phelps
James Ray Phelps Jr. at 75 passed away on Feb. 4th, 2021. He was born Jan. 22nd, 1946 in Concord, NC. He is survived by his wife, Shirley Ann Phelps, his son Jason and Vena Phelps, daughter Jennifer Phelps, Kip and Lilly Lessard all of Longview. WA. He was the proud father of 2 children, one nephew that they raised, 6
grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.
The funeral and graveside services were held by Larry and Deborah Mininger of Lamp Lighters International Ministries (LLIM) on Feb. 12, 2021 in Longview, WA.
How We Remember Our Friend Jim

Jim and Shirley first visited our San Diego church during the time we were all serving in the US Navy. We became immediate friends in 1967. In our post Navy days, they became the first couple that was called to ministry and ordained through LLIM. God certainly had his hand on their lives throughout the years. That fact was so clearly defined to our organization that we officially appointed them as Ambassadors to the Nations. Together the carried the gospel of Jesus to Estonia, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, West Africa, Philippines, India and the USA. In our opinion, Jim’s most memorable sermon was called, “Learn to Live Above The Snake Line.” Jim used his prophetic gifts in the most honorable and accurate way. From hundreds of miracle experiences together, one is so notable that it bears retelling here. It gives the reader a taste of the Jesus flavor that he carried.
After conducting a 2 day prophetic conference in Bangalore, India with 250 youth, Jim said, “enough talking, lets go to the hospital and do the stuff” (pray for people to be saved and healed). In the first room they encountered a Muslim man who was in horrific health condition. Jim asked if he wanted to be healed. He did and they prayed. Then Jim prophesied that in 3 days the man would be healed and released from the hospital.
Jim’s visa was expiring the next day so he had to catch his plane and fly out. When in Heathrow Airport he switches on his phone just in time to receive a call from the youth pastor he left behind in India. The pastor was so excited. He said, “This is the third day and the man you prayed for was healed completely and released from the hospital.” Shortly thereafter, he was saved along with his entire family. They are all now attending the church Jim was visiting.
Whats more, some days later the youth pastor and another small group who received an impartation from the Holy Spirit through Jim said, “Lets go do the stuff.” They did and found a girl in the hospital about 18-20 years old. She was in a comma. The doctor had diagnosed her with 5 fatal conditions. The small group prayed and God miraculously raised her up healed. Jim Phelps had an anointing to pray, prophesy, heal and make impartations of faith to mentor others. We praise the Lord for the time God allowed us to be on the same team.
Shirley (Jim’s wife) will continue to give mom and grandma care to the family and work with LLIM as the Lord opens the door. James R. Phelps Jr.. minister of the gospel, faithful husband, father and grand father, life time friend for Deborah and me will be greatly missed. God is still seeking for available candidates to call and equip for the ministry. He will send them to the lost wherever they are found just as He did with Jim Phelps. If you are such a candidate, you may contact LLIM for help, prayer or direction in your life or email Larry at larrymininger@gmail.com!